Thursday, March 19, 2020

Ultimate Cybersecurity Guide For Remote Workers

There are alarms and locks for securing physical valuables. But what should you use for cybersecurity? A lot of people are confused when it comes to this topic. Well, that’s not surprising because terms commonly used in this industry, like VPN, DDoS attack, and ransomware, are quite difficult to understand. Below is the ultimate guide to cybersecurity that you need to know.

Cybersecurity is now an important part of the digital landscape. Every day, the number of threats online has multiplied and has become a dangerous network. Given the continuing increase in cyber-attacks and data breaches, businesses and remote workers need to know how to protect their data, devices, and network. Businesses aren’t the only ones that are at risk. Anybody can be a victim of cyber attacks.

Common Types of Cyberattacks

Phishing – most common cyber-attack because of its easy implementation. It may involve messages using any platform from gaming forums to social media. Phishing can be a general scam or targeted to certain individuals.

Malware – any kind of software that gets into a network or device. It is a malicious software that looks like a legitimate program.

Brute force attacks – hackers try to guess the login credentials of their victims. It is an automated process and commonly involves weak or popular passwords. This kind of attack can also use credentials that were stolen during a data breach.

Eavesdropping attacks – hackers intercept data that goes through a network connection by eavesdropping. They listen in and then steal confidential information like passwords, credit card details, as well as other personal data.

Cybersecurity In The Workplace

You have to do your part even if you are working for a company that already has an IT department. The latter can only do so much when it comes to keeping the systems and network of the business safe. Moreover, they don’t have full control over what employees do when they’re online. Here are a few cybersecurity tips for businesses.

Employees must be informed not to open or reply to emails that look suspicious. They should download files or click on links from sources they don’t know. They must also use strong passwords on all accounts and devices. Plus, other authentication methods should also be used.

Firewalls must be installed on the devices that take care of crucial work data and these firewalls must be updated regularly. Talk to an IT expert in Florence about security. They’ll be more than willing to give you tips to improve your cybersecurity.

Cybersecurity At Home

Installing locks and surveillance cameras aren’t the only things you need when it comes to security for remote workers. You need to protect your home network as well especially if you have lots of devices connected to the internet.

There are many ways to secure your home devices. These include securing the home network through encryption. VPN is the most affordable and easiest way to do this. Make perfectly sure that you install the service on your home router or on every device that you connect to your network.

You should also install a good firewall program, as it will serve as the first line of defense against online attacks. It will also protect your network by preventing outsiders from making unwanted requests to your network. Don’t forget to install an antivirus software and change the default passwords on all your devices.

SpartanTec, Inc. in Florence for more information on how you can protect your remote workers.

SpartanTec, Inc.
Florence, SC 29501

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